Jul 16, 2024 2:58 PM
Bright Dog Red’s Double Release
In a prior lifetime, back in the 1990s, Joe Pignato was a dedicated record company guy, first as the U.S. rep for Kurt…
From left, BDR’s Cody Davies, Tyreek Jackson and Mike LaBombard. “There’s a long history and precedent for what we do,” says drummer and bandleader Joe Pignato.
Jul 16, 2024 2:58 PM
In a prior lifetime, back in the 1990s, Joe Pignato was a dedicated record company guy, first as the U.S. rep for Kurt…
From left, BDR’s Cody Davies, Tyreek Jackson and Mike LaBombard. “There’s a long history and precedent for what we do,” says drummer/bandleader Joe Pignato.
Jul 10, 2024 10:20 AM
In a prior lifetime, back in the 1990s, Joe Pignato was a dedicated record company guy, first as the U.S. rep for Kurt…