May 29, 2024 12:45 PM
Happy Trails with Hilary Gardner
What Hilary Gardner wanted most growing up was to move to New York and sing jazz. But she lived in a small town in…
“It has a twang, but it’s not country,” Gardner says of the music from On The Trail With The Lonesome Pines. “And it’s not exactly jazz, but I think it works best when jazz musicians come at it.”
May 29, 2024 12:45 PM
What Hilary Gardner wanted most growing up was to move to New York and sing jazz. But she lived in a small town in…
Duchess—Amy Cervini (left), Hilary Gardner and Melissa Stylianou—looks to generate joy with Live At Jazz Standard (Anzic).
Apr 6, 2020 3:29 PM
In 2015, Amy Cervini, Hilary Gardner and Melissa Stylianou decided to turn their “magical” vocal synergy into the…
Hilary Gardner, Melissa Stylianou and Amy Cervini are Duchess. The vocal trio performed at 55 Bar in NYC on Feb. 22.
Feb 27, 2017 2:07 PM
One of the more delightful aspects of the vintage jazz revival in New York (and elsewhere) in recent years is the…