• Shiri_Zorn_copy.jpg

    “Shiri is my favorite kind of singer (and human, for that matter) — open-minded, creative and honest,” says vocalist Tierney Sutton, who co-produced Zorn’s new recording.

  • Samara_Joy_%C2%A92023_Mark_Sheldon-4639.jpg

    Samara Joy brought fans to their feet in the middle of her Newport set!

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    Montgomery praised guitarist Joe Pass for his tone and phrasing.

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    Herbie Hancock’s closing-night performance reflected the buoyant mood of this year’s Ottawa Jazz Festival.

  • Joakim_Rainer_Trio_by_Morton_Kolve2_copy.jpg

    From left, Joakim Rainer Peterson, Alexander Riris and Rino Sivathas perform at the Kongsberg Jazzfestival.

  • Trombone_Shorty_Courtesy_Tri-C_Jazz_Fest.jpg

    Trombone Shorty closes out the Tri-C JazzFest on June 24.

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    Artemov was known for his trio, Vibe, and for his work with the Danylo Vinarikov Ensemble, the Elevation Trio and the Dark Side Trio.

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    “Bill Stewart has nothing to prove,” Baron says. “I aspire to that ethic.”

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    “It feels vast, like the ocean and earth and sky conjoined,” Green says of performing solo piano concerts.

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    Stacey Kent receives the Prix Ella Fitzgerald from Montreal Jazz Festival co-founder Alain Simard on July 1.

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