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    ​“When you play blues-type stuff, the material is pretty obvious; it’s how you do a lot with a little,” Liebman said.

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    “I’ve made some big changes from pre-COVID to post-COVID Lucy,” Yeghiazaryan said.

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    Hajdu assembled a cast of composers, musicians and singers to create his song cycle The Parsonage.

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    Outgoing FIMAV founding director Michel Levasseur speaks during a press conference at this year’s festival.

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    Edward “Kidd” Jordan

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    “I guess that’s my personality: On the outside I’m very mellow, but, inside, my brain is going 100 miles a minute,” says Scott.

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    Wong interviews other guitarists he admires on his Wong Notes podcast.

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    Ingrid Laubrock, left, premieres “Lilith” at jazzahead! 2023 with band member David Adewumi on trumpet.

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    Mutual Mentorship for Musicians will honor pianist/composer/educator Michele Rosewoman on June 13.

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    ​Applications for the 2023 competition are due July 31. This year’s event will focus on the piano.

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