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    ​“The power of unison is super,” Turner said. “It’s 10,000 years old, or more.”

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    Black Lives—From Generation To Generation makes a multi-generational plea for equity and equality with artists like Alicia Hall Moran, left, and E.J. Strickland.

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    The guitar quartet Dither commanded attention with their tight-yet-flexible teamwork at this year’s FIMAV.

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    “I know that tensions are high and emotions are intense right now, but the beauty of music is beyond words,” Arriale said.

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    ​Benevento calls the outcome of his deep walk through polyrhythmic grooves, electrifying self-jams, West Africa-derived dance music, songs based on poetry and short lyrical ditties his “small batch psychedelia.”

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    “One thing I love about production is having to submit to a vision that isn’t 100% my own,” League said. “That ensures you have variety in your life.”

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    “It’s a vibrant scene, impressive for the size of the town,” Pilc said of Montreal. “And it is more about exchange than competition.”

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    The organic nature of Helfer’s artistry is genuine, developed over a lifetime of apprenticeship, appreciation and practice.

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    Meghan Stabile was the founder of Revive Music Group.

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    “I don’t want people on my bandstand counting measures,” Malinverni said.

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